Spear Pillar Discord Server

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Spear Pillar


🌟 Welcome to Spear Pillar! 🌟 We're an all-inclusive server for alterhumans with Pokémon-based identities! 🦄🐾 Whether you're otherkin, a system, otherlinker, or just a fan, we invite you to join our vibrant community. Non-alterhumans and alterhumans without Pokémon identities are also welcome! 🌈😊 Please note the following about our server: 1️⃣ We foster a friendly environment for all systems, regardless of origin or nature. If you're against endogenic systems, quoigenic systems, tulpas, or soulbonds, we kindly ask you to find another community. We have zero tolerance for harassment or invalidation. ❌🙅‍♂️ 2️⃣ We embrace doubles and encourage coexistence. While we understand that doubles can be uncomfortable for some, we believe in inclusivity and respect for all identities. 3️⃣ Spear Pillar is a place for serious discussions about our identities. We have fun, but this isn't roleplay. We aim to correct misinformation and better understand ourselves and our community. 4️⃣ Our server is blacklist

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