A Galaxy in Exile | Star Wars Rp Discord Server

Looking for people to come help set up a Star Wars text RP server, only done this once back in 2019 with Warhammer and it got very popular but I forgot how to run it sadly lmao, so looking for people help set this one up and bring ideas on how we should run it and how to keep everyone engaged. --About the server-- -A Galaxy in Exile- This Discord text RP is set within the Star Wars Universe at the point after the Yuuzhan Vong attack on the galaxy. The New Republic have fallen and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances (Galactic Alliance) has been formed 28ABY. 127 ABY - The galaxy has only seen peace for the past 80 years and the Empire became democratic but eventually a new Emperor came into power, Roan Fel. With this the creation of The Fel Empire happened and the Empire unallied its self with the GA and many planets joined The Empire as they grew tired of the GAs support for the remaining Vong. And so the Galaxy has gone into another war between the Empire and the Galactic Alliance. 127 ABY is where this Text RP takes place, what will you do in this vast galaxy, will you join up with the Empire? Or support the Galactic Alliance? Or maybe your force sensitive and train to become one of the most powerful Jedi. Or maybe you will just live a simple life as a farmer, be whatever you want in this Galaxy in Exile.

165 days ago

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