•°•°•°☆Willow's Playpin☆°•°•°• Discord Server

Hihi~ Welcome to Willow's Playpin♡ I'm Willow, an SFW 17 almost 18 yo wasian thicc goth afab enby seller and sugar baby. I'm also a findomme so if that floats your boat you're welcome here as well. This is my *solo* selling server so no other sellers or sugar baby's (sorry.) With all of this being said i do have some rules: 1. Sugar-daddy/buyers only 2. This server is 17+ 3. Don't request nudes. I'm severely triggered by them (I have PTSD) 4. Xiro is my boyfriend. So some stuff gets discussed with him first. 5. No Xiro is not a buyer nor a seller fuck off he's mine M-I-N-E. 6. Cuckold sessions go through xiro first that's not up to me that's up to him. 7. Not looking for anything sexual or romantic, as stated Xiro is my partner however I am open to cucking sessions as long as Xiro okays it ❤️ 8. I've been in sugaring b4. Don't try to scam me. I will ask for verification and just for the hell of it I'll ask for $15 verification fee <3. 9. I'm wasian, goth and thicc ik that's some1s fetish. I do bite sometimes tho so be careful but I'm generally a nice person.

8 days ago

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