Rollenspiel Discord Servers

54 - 81 out of 108 total servers tagged rollenspiel
Multi Wold discord icon

Multi Wold


:dragon_face: :angel: Einmal entfesselten Dragonis, der höchste Gott der Unterwelt, und Heros, der oberste Gott des Himmels, einen unerbittlichen Streit, den sie nicht in Frieden beilegen konnten. So beschlossen sie, eine neue Welt, die 'Multi World' 🌍 zu schaffen, on deren Schicksal entschieden werden sollte. :man: 🆚 :demon: Die menschlichen Völker wurden in einen Krieg mit den Dämonenvölkern verwickelt, der tausend Jahre andauerte und in einem überraschenden Friedensschluss endete. Wer manipulierte diesen Konflikt? Der Gott des Friedens, der unbemerkt die Zügel des Krieges in der Hand hielt. 🕊️ Nach 4.533 friedlichen Jahren bemerkten die beiden obersten Götter den Betrug und tauschten die Herrscher aus, um zwei ihrer treuesten Kriegsherren an die Macht zu bringen. :crossed_swords: Ein neuer, brutaler Krieg entbrannte. In der letzten Sekunde versuchte der Gott des Friedens, Helden zu beschwören, um das Blutvergießen zu beenden, aber er wurde von Dragonis und Heros getötet, und der Zauber schlug fehl. Seitdem werden zufällig Personen aus anderen Welten in 'Multi World' beschworen. Werden sie den Krieg beenden oder ihn weiter anfachen? Kommt und findet es heraus in unserem Discord-Server, 'Multi World'! :sparkles: :mage:‍♂️ :woman_superhero:‍♀️ :alien:

BDSM RPG discord icon



Willkommen beim 'BDSM RPG' Discord Server! 🖤 Unser Server bietet die Möglichkeit, in die aufregende Welt des BDSM einzutauchen, indem du mit anderen Fans erotische Rollenspielgeschichten schreibst. Wir ermutigen freie Schreibstile und Charaktere, egal ob dominant, devot oder switch. Unsere Features: - Gruppen- und Einzelplays - Tupperbot für Chat-Interaktionen - Informationen zum BDSM - Freie Schreibstilwahl (Roman oder Sternchen) - Online Stammtische mit BDSM-Themen - Bot-Fun und Sprachkanal für private Gespräche - Möglichkeit, einfach als Mitleser dabei zu sein Egal ob du dich als dominant, devot, männlich, weiblich oder einfach als Liebhaber von BDSM-RPGs siehst, bei uns bist du herzlich willkommen. Komm vorbei, schau dich um und lass dich zum Spielen einladen! 🔞🔗

Kangai-Academy discord icon



📚 Welcome to the Kangai-Academy Roleplay Server! 🏫 At this school, students of all kinds come together to grow stronger, improve their abilities, and so much more! Come join our fantastic school roleplay and become the strongest through tough training! 🔥

Skyrim Alternate discord icon

**Skyrim Alternate** Are you a Skyrim fan? Have you always wanted to do more than just play through the same quests, or are you just in the mood for something new? Then you're in the right place! Here we write history, create new personalities, and interpret familiar ones in our own way. Whether you're the Dragonborn, a simple hunter, or a noble Thalmor, you can roam around and interact with Skyrim in any way you like! Lore knowledge is not a must, we're pretty relaxed about it. So you have plenty of opportunities to put your own stamp on the characters or even come up with completely new things! Wabbajack Wabbajack Wabbajack, Wabbajack Wabbajack Wabbajack (Wabbajack Wabbajack) Wabbajack! Wabbajack Jabbawack Wabbajack, Wabbajack. Just come by and take a look around - it's free and you can always change your mind if you don't like the server. We look forward to seeing you! 🐉🏰🗡️

Astroneer Germany discord icon

Welcome to Astroneer Germany! 🚀🇩🇪 Dies ist der offizielle Discord-Server für deutsche Astroneer-Fans. Hier könnt ihr euch mit anderen Spielern austauschen, Tipps und Tricks teilen und gemeinsam Abenteuer im Weltraum erleben. Schaut gerne vorbei und seid Teil unserer wachsenden Community! 🌌✨


🌍 Willkommen im Digimon World [New Adventure] {German RP} Discord Server! Hier kannst du deine Träume verwirklichen und deinen eigenen Digimonpartner haben. Schließe dich unserer herzlichen Community an, spiele Charaktere aus der Serie und erlebe eine fesselnde Storyline, in der jeder eine Rolle spielen kann. Wenn das nach etwas klingt, bei dem du gerne dabei sein möchtest, dann besuche uns doch einfach! 🎮👾


Welcome to 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐚𝐢 𝐆𝐄𝐑 | 𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 🌟✨ Discover the captivating story of the origin of magic in the world of Danzai. Join a community where fantasy comes to life and immerse yourself in the rich history of the Sun Empire, Moon Empire, and Dragon Empire. Unleash your imagination and explore the impact of the Three Gods on the world, as magic becomes an integral part of daily life. Experience the awe-inspiring power and mysteries of the divine stones, and let your journey into the world of Danzai begin. 🌙🐉🔥 #DanzaiGER #Roleplay #Fantasy #MagicalHistory

Minecraft Fun! discord icon

Minecraft Fun!


Welcome to Minecraft Fun! 🎮🌍 Join us in the ultimate Minecraft experience! Whether you want to dive into epic roleplays, survive the wilds in survival mode, or unleash your creativity in build mode, this server has it all. We are a Bedrock-exclusive server, so grab your pickaxe and come join the fun! 💎🔨 #Minecraft #Fun #Roleplay #Survival #Creative


Willkommen in Vivana Mittelalter RP! 🏰🔮 Tauche ein in das Jahr 1100, in eine Welt voller Magie und Konflikte. Entscheide, ob du für den Frieden oder den eigenen Vorteil kämpfen willst, und schreibe deine eigene Geschichte in diesem fantastischen Setting. Bist du einer der begabten Magieanwender oder stehst du auf der Seite eines der drei großen Reiche? Unser Server bietet eine eigene Website, ein erfahrenes und freundliches Serverteam, eine aktive Community-Mitarbeit und ein organisiertes Roleplay mit einer detailreichen offenen Welt. Auch Anfänger werden unterstützt, und NSFW-Roleplay ist möglich. Bist du bereit, dein Schicksal in Vivana Mittelalter RP zu bestimmen? Komm und werde Teil unserer freundlichen Community mit erfahrenen Schreibern. Wir freuen uns darauf, deine Geschichte mit dir gemeinsam zu erleben! 🌟

World of Fantasy discord icon

World of Fantasy


Welcome! The world of fantasy and endless stories is searching for you! We are looking for an adventure enthusiast roleplayer who is brave enough to explore the world and make new friends. But beware, evil also finds its way in this world. Become a legend and a part of the story. Join events and get to know other characters. What we offer: - A friendly server team - An LGBTQIA+ friendly community - Active roleplay - Frequent events - Many RP locations - Tupperbox What we are looking for: - Fantasy and medieval enthusiasts roleplayers - Active participation in RP - Friendly interaction with server members and respect towards the server team We look forward to your arrival! ~ The Server Team of "World of Fantasy" 🐉🏰🔮


🌟 Willkommen im MHA Server 🌟 Du möchtest als Schüler, Lehrer, Held, Anti-Held oder Schurke Einfluss haben? 😎 Dann tritt unserem Server bei und gestalte deine eigene spannende Geschichte! 📚🖋️ Seitdem die Quirks existieren, hat das Chaos in der Welt zugenommen. Einige nutzen diese Gelegenheit für ihren eigenen Profit, aber noch mehr trotzen ihnen und kämpfen dagegen an! 💥 Wirst du Teil des Chaos sein oder ein Licht für diejenigen, die das Chaos fürchten? 🌌 ⭐️ Was wir zu bieten haben ⭐️ 🤝 Hilfsbereite Mitglieder und Teammitglieder 🎉 Diverse Events für euch 💬 Ausreichend Channel für ausgiebige Diskussionen 💫 Tritt jetzt bei und werde Teil unseres MHA-Abenteuers! 💫 【Euer Serverteam】


🏖️🌞 Willkommen im sonnigen Bay City! 🌞🏖️ Tauche ein in eine Welt voller sonniger Tage, schöner Strände und vielem mehr! Bay City Roleplay bietet dir Roleplay auf höchstem Niveau und sorgt dafür, dass sich jeder User wohlfühlt. Joine uns jetzt und lasse dich überraschen. 🌴🌊


Willkommen bei Athalon e.V. - Fantastisches Rollenspiel! 🎲🏰 Hier findest du ein vielfältiges RP-Erlebnis und eine freundliche Community. Ob Fantasy, Sci-Fi oder historisches Setting, bei uns ist für jeden etwas dabei. Schau doch mal vorbei und werde Teil unserer abenteuerlichen Welt! 🌍✨ #rollenspiel #fantasy #community

Eterna Magix discord icon

Eterna Magix


Willkommen bei Eterna Magix! 👋 Unser Server ist der perfekte Ort für alle, die ihre Leidenschaft für Winx teilen und bereit sind, gemeinsam mit uns eine spannende RP-Welt zu erschaffen. Egal, ob du schon Erfahrung mit RP hast oder komplett neu bist - bei uns ist jeder willkommen! Unsere Geschichte spielt 50 Jahre nachdem die Winx Alfea verlassen haben, und wir haben eine faszinierende Universität namens Eterna Magix geschaffen, die Feen, Hexen und Spezialisten zusammenbringt. Hier können unsere Charaktere ihre Fähigkeiten weiterentwickeln und sich neuen Herausforderungen stellen, während sie auf ihrem Heimatplaneten eine Grundausbildung abgeschlossen haben. Eterna Magix bietet unzählige Möglichkeiten für spannende Abenteuer und Entwicklungen, und wir freuen uns darauf, gemeinsam mit dir den Server aufzubauen und zu gestalten. Alternativ ist auch RPGLand eine Option, die wir gemeinsam erkunden können. 💫 Komm und werde Teil von Eterna Magix - wir freuen uns auf deine Ideen und dein Engagement! 🌟

GALAXY™ discord icon



Welcome to GALAXY™, the ultimate Star Wars: The Clone Wars Discord server! 🚀 Embark on an epic Roleplay adventure set in a unique time within the RP universe (18 VSY). Join our community and immerse yourself in a world of excitement and intrigue. Why choose us? ➤ 💰 Exclusive member benefits with our in-depth economy system ➤ 🎭 A wide range of emojis to express yourself ➤ 🎬 Extensive and customizable Roleplay experience ➤ 🎨 Enjoy memes and wallpapers ➤ 🌈 Friendly and active Roleplayers ➤ 🎟️ Engage in regular events and side missions ➤ 🤖 Interactive bots to enhance your server experience ➤ 💎 Level 2 server status ➤ 💬 Diverse chat options for Star Wars and general topics ➤ And so much more! Every member is welcome and essential to our growth. May the force be with you as you join us on this thrilling journey. [Join GALAXY™ today and experience the adventure of a lifetime!] ⭐️

Camp Valhalla discord icon

Camp Valhalla


Welcome to Camp Valhalla! 🌌 Everyone knows the stories of Percy Jackson and the Camp of the Demigods. But what if it's not the only camp where special children live? The Greek mythology is just one of many, but if we look to Northern Europe, there is a different mythology. A mythology that brought forth different gods and whose stories are just as legendary, or even more so. And now, you have the potential to explore this mythology in your hands. We are already excited! What we have to offer: - A friendly and active server team - A large, interactive lore that can be influenced by you - A well-structured server - An open ear for anything that you don't like **The Setting:** The Norse deities, the Aesir, Vanir, and even the giants descend to Midgard and have children with the humans, children who possess special talents. Children who are half-god and half-human or even half-giant and half-human. These children go to Camp Valhalla to get their abilities under control and to learn how to handle them. They protect Midgard (Earth) from the enemies of Asgard. But what will your character be like? Will they be able to overcome the dangers, or will they be invited for dinner by a troll beforehand? Find out! ⚔️🛡️ Join us and embark on an adventure like no other!


🐲🎲🎭 Willkommen auf RAWR! Bei uns dreht sich alles um Rollenspiel und das Zusammensein der Spieler*innen. Bei uns könnt ihr euch nicht nur miteinander austauschen, sondern auch nach eurem nächsten Duo- oder Gruppen-RP suchen. Nach einem Wechsel der Leitung sind geplant: - Themenabende - Improvisationsrollenspiel - Communityevents Ist etwas dabei für dich? Dann komm und gern besuchen! Das RAWR-Team

Hogwarts' Wandel discord icon

Hogwarts' Wandel


Welcome to the magical world of "Hogwart's Wandel"! Our roleplay server offers you the opportunity to slip into the exciting role of a student at the famous school of witchcraft and wizardry. Experience school life, explore the majestic castle of Hogwarts and the picturesque village of Hogsmeade. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Harry Potter by creating your own character and embarking on adventures with other like-minded individuals. But what is the setting? After the Battle of Hogwarts, the secrecy could no longer be maintained. Muggles knew. Since then, a transformation has been taking place. The magical world is trying to adapt to the new circumstances while also not losing its culture. It is up to you to help shape the fate of England's magical culture. Our community values fairness, kindness, and helpfulness. We create a place where Harry Potter fans can come together to experience the magic of the books, movies, and games. You will find a harmonious and respectful environment where we support and inspire each other. Everyone is welcome on our server, as long as they adhere to the basic principles of respectful coexistence. Join our magical community and become part of an adventure filled with friendship, adventure, and magic. We look forward to welcoming you to our world and exploring the wonders of Hogwarts together while writing our own story. 🧙🏰📚


**≿━━━━━༺❀ Essence of Immortality ❀༻━━━━━≾** 🌟 Are you ready to embark on a thrilling adventure in a world of immortality? Join the Essence of Immortality RP Discord Server, inspired by the captivating Chinese fantasy genres Wuxia and Xianxia! 🌟 🔥 Witness the aftermath of a fierce battle between the first Cultivator of this world and a Demon King, leaving landscapes scorched and cities destroyed. Despite the changes, one thing remains the same - the ongoing threat of demons. 🔥 **≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾** ⚔️ Immerse yourself in the rich storyline and traditional martial arts infused with fantastical elements. Explore various RP locations and engage in character relationships. Don't worry if you're new to the genre; comprehensive explanations are provided for a smooth entry into the immersive world. ⚔️ **What we offer:** ⥼ 📜 A server with a novel-like atmosphere ⥼ 🌍 A well-developed world open for expansion ⥼ 🏞️ Abundance of RP locations to explore

Isla Eternium discord icon

Isla Eternium


Welcome to Isla Eternium! 🏝️ It's the year 2030, the economy has improved, and climate change has been successfully halted. People are convinced that THEY have made the world a better place. But then, beings revealed themselves - people with wings? Witches? A sphinx? Humanity was horrified by the unknown, and it quickly became clear: it was a mistake! Beings were collected, tortured, and killed! People quickly hid their true nature and tried to live unnoticed among humans. However, there was a solution - THE solution for the beings. An island, far away from the great civilization, where people didn't pay attention and the beings could live like in their own little paradise. Years passed and many beings arrived, but there were also the original inhabitants of the island, who are they? Find out and see what the island has in store for you! Many beings are waiting for you, but are you sure you really want to take this risk? If you are brave enough, join us! What we offer: ❧ A helpful and friendly admin team ❧ Many different bots that can make the fun even more effective ❧ Clear overview and plenty of space to write. ❧ Many different beings! Even ones that you certainly wouldn't expect! ❧ The right to have a say! You can effectively contribute and let your creativity run wild. ❧ Your characters can be played flexibly, do you want to be a farmer? No problem! Start a government? No problem! Have a poly relationship? No problem! Everything is possible, nothing is mandatory! What you offer: ❧ We write in a novel style ❧ Can't make it sometimes? Real life takes priority with the appropriate cancellation. ❧ You should be active and creative. ❧ It is an 18+ server - so please be over 18 years old. We look forward to your arrival on the island of the unknown! 🌴🔮


Welcome to Arvos - Die Welt der Möglichkeiten! 🌟 Are you a fan of fantasy RPs and love to let your imagination run wild? Then you've come to the right place! Here, you can engage in interesting RPs with other cool people and incorporate your own lore. There are no limits here, except for the fact that you can engage in awesome RPs, chat with others, or have interesting conversations in the VCs. Essentially, all doors are open, and you can choose what you'd like to do. Everyone is welcome here, and everyone is tolerated and accepted. So why not join the server and have fun creating something wonderful with us? We would be delighted to welcome you to our community. Best wishes, The Server Team ~ ♡


Welcome to the Galactic Cosplay Empire! 🌌 We are a community of SciFi enthusiasts and nerds of all ages, whether you're into movies, series, novels, or games like Star Wars, Halo, Warhammer, Star Trek, and more. The possibilities are endless in this vast universe, so come join us and let your creativity shine in our ⚔️ Multiverse role-playing adventures or 🛠️ Cosplay crafting sessions. Don't worry if you're new to the scene, our dedicated ✂️ Cosplay support team is here to help you every step of the way. In addition to our themed text and voice channels, we also believe in keeping it real. That's why the Galactic Cosplay Empire team organizes 🍜 real-life meetups and encourages members to arrange conventions which can always be found in our 📆 Convention calendar. More incredible features of our server include an experienced server team, a level 2 server bot, and premium Mee6. Join us today and become a part of the Galactic Cosplay Empire! ✨

Magic in Tokyo discord icon

Magic in Tokyo


🌸 **MAGIC IN TOKYO** 🌸 (18+) 🔮 Fantasy 💔 Drama 🌸 Romance 🍃 Slice of Life 😱 Horror 💥 Violence 🏯 Discover the enchanting world of Tokyo in this thrilling 18+ roleplay server! 🌸 Immerse yourself in a realm of fantasy, drama, romance, slice of life, horror, and thrilling violence. This server is not for the faint-hearted, but if you're ready for an exhilarating adventure, join us now! 🌟 🏮 Dive into the bustling streets of Tokyo, where neon signs, intricate Japanese characters, and countless souls intertwine. Let the city's magic captivate you as you navigate through its mesmerizing chaos. 🌃 What We Offer: 🌸 Active and responsive staff dedicated to your needs 🌸 Close-knit community of passionate roleplayers 🌸 Dive into the immersive world with a wide range of fascinating races and the opportunity to create your own 🌸 Regularly scheduled events to keep the excitement going 🌸 Quality control to ensure our roleplay meets certain standards. New members will be asked for sample texts to


Welcome to 'Der Kampf um Naivara'! 🌴🔮✨ Ten years ago, a seal was broken on the tropical island of Naivara. Since then, its residents have been fighting for their survival: facing beings that surpass all human imagination. Monsters from another world, creatures that could have escaped from the darkest nightmares - and a power that threatens to destroy everything the gods have created. But the inhabitants of Naivara would not be where they are today if they simply gave up! What will your character do? Who are we? ✧ Dark-Fantasy ⚔️🧝‍♀️✨ ✧ Medieval World 🏰🌳🍃 ✧ Novel-style 🖊️📖 ✧ 16 and older (16+) 🔞 ✧ One of the most active German RP servers 💪🇩🇪 What sets us apart from other RP servers? ✧ A server wiki 📚🌐 ✧ A wide selection of playable races 🧝‍♂️🦄🧛‍♀️ ✧ A well-developed world with


Welcome to The Light of the Black Sun Discord Server! 🌞🌑 In the northern lands of the Snake, where thorns and vines thin out the forests, the crows sit on slender branches. As they wait in the wind, they wait in silence. Open your ears and listen to me. What I tell you now, you should do. Whether in the north the snow falls on corpses, whether in the west the mercenaries make their entrance, always listen to what is told to you: Always pay attention to friend, to foe, to everything. Pay attention, even when you look to the horizon. So do not run away, but come, come. Come. Join us for a community full of adventure, mystery, and camaraderie in The Light of the Black Sun Discord Server. 💫🌑 Become a part of our journey and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for friendship, gaming, and storytelling. Don't miss out on the excitement - join us today! #DiscordServer #BlackSun #CommunityAdventure 🌌


Welcome to ⭐Das RP Serverlexikon⭐, the original search server for German RP in novel style! Often imitated, but never equaled. Are you tired of constantly finding empty novel style RP servers? Are other search servers littered with inactive servers? Where no admin cleans up, no one takes care of the servers? Or perhaps there are many servers advertised, but they are all so wishy-washy that you can't find the great RP servers? That ends HERE! ⭐️ Here, all relevant novel style RP servers are listed! Is yours not on the list yet? Then come on, you are a player and looking for good RP servers? Join us too! ⭐️ ⭐️ You don't want to search through endless groups with roleplay servers that don't meet your search criteria? ⭐️ ⭐️ Are you SEARCHING or APPLYING: ⭐️ ⭐️ Discord roleplaying ⭐️ in ⭐️ novel style ⭐️? Then come to us to find suitable RP servers or to advertise your own project with us! Easy and relaxed.

SCP: Site-70 discord icon

SCP: Site-70


Welcome to SCP: Site-70! 🛡️🔒🔬 For several years, the SCP Foundation has been seeking, securing, and cataloging various anomalies, strictly adhering to the motto: Secure. Contain. Protect. Here at Site-70, new personnel are needed! Whether you're a scientist, intelligence agent, or MTF personnel: on this Slice-of-Life server, there are plenty of opportunities to integrate your character. We offer you: - An active moderation team that ensures respectful behavior - No haphazardly thrown together characters, but well-thought-out, deeply embedded characters - Fun and freedom in the dynamics of personnel interaction If you're familiar with the SCP universe, feel free to stop by - it costs nothing and you can leave at any time if it's not to your liking. If you're not sure what SCP is - No problem! We are happy to provide you with advice and answers, so that you can play along as a newcomer! 🌌👥🔍

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