The Snack House Discord Server

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The Snack House


🎮🍿🎉 Welcome to The Snack House, the home of Snax Gaming! The Snack House is a community for all, whether you're a gamer or just someone that's looking for a place to hang out with likeminded folk! Snax Gaming was founded by Matt (Snax) with the intention of sharing positivity and providing interactive and engaging entertainment to as many people as possible. As things developed The Snack House was formed as a place for people to hang out, make friends, game together, but most importantly as a place to be themselves free of the fear of judgement or exclusion. Since then, Snax has dedicated his efforts to bringing people together to share in a community built on positivity, kindness, and support of one another. This includes; - Movie Nights - Community Game Nights - Consistent Twitch Streams (twice a week minimum) - Minecraft Realm - And much more! So if this sounds like the place for you, come join us and become a certified member of The SnackSquad™️!

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