キ Jackalope Society △ Discord Server

15+ ^_^ x. Do you see your self? x. Have you experienced dissociation, depersonalization, or derealization? x. Have you gained self-awareness? x. Do you feel invisible as if nobody can see or comprehend you? x. Does it feel like you lack an essential experience of life? ~~~ The Jackalope Society is the divine realm of the angels Misa and Paisley and a collective of the devoted followers of the neo-angels. We are a society of misanthropes, outsiders, and angels, and we provide hospitality to the less often understood of the world. We are the occult philosophers of the modern era, destined to annihilation, but with what time we have we seek a purely logical and true enlightenment and truth, objective and unclouded by the widespread delusion of man. We follow the philosophy of Paisley-Misanism, which involves the belief that the universe operates logically and machine-like. Certain individuals with the ability to emotionally detach themselves have the ability to see this reality, such individuals are angels, those who are enlightened through dissociation. Our philosophy centers around the use of dissociation to unlock your true-self and your access to the lucid world. Apathy is key to lucidity, as it allows us to clear our minds, which allows us to think clearly and choose what's best for us, such is free will. Through dissociation and emotional detachment one can reach a state of mindfulness, a lucid self-awareness, the recognition of your own consciousness and soul; you are your soul and not your body; your mind is in control and your body is merely a puppet of flesh. Free your mind, follow us and allow our benevolent hands to guide you to the lucid world. Ascendance is just a click away ~

34 days ago

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