Welcome to MCSlime.LT, the ultimate Lithuanian Minecraft Discord server! 🎮 Join our community to experience thrilling gameplay modes including Survival, Factions, and Economy. Connect with other Lithuanian Minecraft enthusiasts and team up for exciting adventures in the blocky world. 🌐 Website: https://mcslime.lt/ 📡 Server IP: mc.mcslime.lt Enter our server and let the fun begin!
👋 Hey there! Looking for an active Discord server to socialize and play games with like-minded people? Join our 'ɪᴍᴀɢʏɴᴇ' server today! 🎮 We boast a lively and friendly community filled with members interested in a wide variety of games, so you're certain to find players to join your favorite game. 🏆 Try your luck in our exciting contests and unlock the thrill of competition. ⬆️ Unveil our unique leveling system and see your progress soar. 👥 Be a part of our tight-knit community, and let's create amazing memories together - join us now!
Welcome everyone! Looking for a place to find friends or have some fun? Then join 'Alubaris'! In this server, you'll find: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ✮ Variety of channels ✮ Different roles to choose from ✮ Contests with prizes ✮ People playing games ✮ Welcoming atmosphere ✮ Friendly administration always ready to help ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ https://discord.gg/alubaris
Tave "CENTRIUKAS" discord serveryje! 🎉 Serveris skirtas bendravimui su kitais, su daugybe naujų kanalų kiekvieną dieną. Nesenai padarytas, jau turime keletą narių ir visada kažkas vyksta! Yra įvairiausių kanalų, kur galėsi prisistatyti, pasidalinti savo socialiniais tinklais ir daugiau... Mūsų serveris turi įvairių rolių, kurios padės apibūdinti tave ir lengviau bendrauti su kitais nariais. Ką galime pasiūlyti "CENTRIUKAS" discord serveryje: • Draugišką ir aktyvią administraciją! • Filmų vakarus • Konkursus • Muziką • 24/7 pagalbą • Ir dar daugiau! Užsuk, laukiame tave! 🌟
Welcome to Egegge! We're a friendly community of mostly Lithuanians but everyone's welcome. We enjoy gaming together, sharing weird and edgy memes, and hosting weekend events and party games. Some of us are streamers, and we support each other by joining and sharing our streams when we go live. If you're a small streamer looking for publicity or just looking for edgy people to play games with, feel free to join us. Don't forget to bring eggs and memes! 🥚🎮
• Dalyvauk kasdienėse iššūkiuose ir varžybose. • Dalyvauk specialiuose renginiuose ir konkursuose. • Dalinkis savo patirtimi ir sužinok naujų dalykų apie žaidimą. • Bendrauk su kitais žaidėjais ir susirask komandos narius. • Visada turime specialius pasiūlymus ir akcijas serverio nariams. Prisijunk prie mūsų bendruomenės ir sužinok daugiau apie RDO.LT | Wild West Discord serverį! 🤠🎮
Welcome to Pokalbių Oazė! 🌴 Looking for a fun and active Discord Server to join? You've come to the right place! Our server offers a helpful and friendly administration, a vibrant community, diverse roles, plenty of fun emojis, and exciting future contests. Join us and see for yourself! 🎉🌟 #DiscordServer #Community #FunTimes
Welcome to Bymas! 🎮🔫 If you're a fan of Counter-Strike and love to discuss strategies, share gameplays, or just hang out with like-minded gamers, then this is the place for you! Join us and let's have some fun together! 🎉💥
🎮 Hunt: Showdown Kaubojai 🤠 Welcome to the official Discord server for Lithuanian hunters of Hunt: Showdown! Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a rookie in the swamps, this is the place to connect with other players, form hunting parties, share strategies, and discuss all things related to the game. Feel free to join in on the fun and join us for some intense and thrilling hunts in the bayou! 🦌🔫💀
Naktinis klubas🔥 Sveiki atvykę į 'Naktinio klubo🔥' Discord serverį! Čia renkame aktyvią bendruomenę, kuri mėgsta bendrauti ir žaisti žaidimus. Ieškome žmonių, kurie aktyviai prisidėtų prie diskusijų ir norėtų pasijusti kaip namie. Sukurkime jaukią vietą, kur galima laisvai reikšti mintis ir leisti pabūti draugiškoje aplinkoje. Susiraskite sau bendraminčių ir praleiskite smagiai laiką su mumis! Užsukite pas mus ir prisijunkite prie mūsų draugų šeimos. 🔥🎮🗣️
🌸Merginų kampelis🌸 - Lietuvoje vienintelis girls only serveris! 💅(16+) Susirask naujas drauges, žaisk kartu, dalinkis nuomonėmis, patarimais ir linksmai pašnekėk. Mūsų Discord servyre galėsi rasti bendraminčių ir palaikyti moteriškus ryšius. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ⛔ VAIKINAI - NEPRIIMAMI! ⛔ ČIA PRIIMAME TIK MERGINAS, TAI NET TROKŠDINTE NESUSIPAŽINĘ! ⛔ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Welcome to 'uzhsiceupk gi gurwa'! 🎉 - Looking for new members to join our friendly community! - Strong community of girls, but the more the merrier! - The server has active members of both girls and boys!!! - Chatting 24/7 - Everyone will find like-minded people to discuss various topics!!! We welcome serious people in the group if you are one, don't wait and come in. P.S We can write literature, but it's much more fun to write silly! 😄
Welcome to Lithuanian Femboys! 🇱🇹 This server is a safe and fun space for Lithuanian femboys to connect, chat, and support each other. Whether you're a femboy or just an ally, everyone is welcome to join and be a part of our community. Share your experiences, interests, and make new friends in this inclusive and welcoming environment. Let's celebrate diversity and empowerment together! 💕💅🏳️🌈
Welcome to "Hubas" - the perfect place to hang out and make new friends! 🎉 Whether you're looking for a place to chill or just feeling bored, "Hubas" is the place for you. We have a variety of roles, fun bots, and much more. Come on in, you won't be disappointed 😄.
Welcome to Pasaulis F - the ultimate destination for all fantasy lovers! 🚀 Whether you're a fan of "Harry Potter", "Avengers", "Lord of the Rings" or "Star Wars", steer your spaceship to Pasaulis F and discover uncharted fantasy realms! Join our friendly community for discussions on books, movies, food, music, and more. We also delve into current events, address member concerns, and share valuable tips. Our server features: ↠ A welcoming community ↠ SFW chats and channels for all age groups ↠ Selectable roles ↠ Channels dedicated to discussing fantasy games, movies, and books, as well as special channels for "Harry Potter", "The Hunger Games", and other fantasy works. Join us on our official Discord server and become a part of the Pasaulis F universe! See you there! - Pasaulis F Administration
Lietuvių servas tiems, kurie nori palošt, pabendraut, paflirtuot, arba šiaip kokio šudo pažiūrėt. Nenorit nesijungiat visiem čia px, bet jei prisijungsit duosiu žaiba ir žuvies nx per nugara ketvirtadieniais. 🍑💦 Čia rasit visko ko tik širdis geidžia nuo žaidimuku iki darbo pasiūlymų ir ne tik!!! 😉😉😉
Welcome to │Čigonynas🎄│! This server is a place for čigonas who are looking for a great community, fun activities, and exciting giveaways. Join us for free and be a part of our awesome collective! 🎄🎉
Welcome! You're probably curious about what's going on here, right? We are a communication and gaming server! We're not trying to prove anything by gathering a certain number of people, we're just looking for pleasant and active members. What we offer you: ╭━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━༉☆ ✭ | Friendly administration ✭ | Great company for chatting ✭ | Game/Film nights ✭ | Contests ✭ | A pleasant looking server ✭ | Youtuber's Discord ✭ | Minecraft Community ╰━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━༉☆
🔥 VIKTORINA visą parą tik pas mus! 🏆💡 Dalyvauk ir pasinerk į žaidimą kartu su mumis! 😄 🌐 Prisijunk prie mūsų bendruomenės internetu ir atrask naujus draugus, įdomius žaidėjus ir rolių galimybes. 🚀💬 📢 Apsikeisk reklamomis ir turiniu su kitais nariais - surask publiką savo projektui! 💼🔗 🌈 Būk žaismingai narių kompanijoje ir pradėk savo susijungimą čia: www.DISCORD.LT 🌟
Welcome to HOTWHEELAS! This is the ultimate hangout for all things related to Hot Wheels and diecast cars. Join us to chat about your favorite cars, share your collection, participate in trading, and connect with fellow enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting out, there's a place for you here! Come join the fun and let's rev up the excitement together! 🚗💨🔥
🇱🇹 Welcome to Lietuviai (Lithuanians) 🇱🇹 This Discord server is the perfect place for all Lithuanians and anyone interested in Lithuania to come together and chat! Whether you want to discuss current events, share your favorite Lithuanian recipes, or simply connect with others from the Baltic nation, you're welcome here. The only rule is jokio NSFW - let's keep it clean and respectful for everyone. Join us and let's celebrate all things Lithuanian together!
Welcome to Xata Discord Server! Join us in this organized and feature-rich community. Explore our diverse range of functions including a shop system, item system, profile system, and leveling system. Engage in discussions in our various channels such as Chat, Game, and Others. Stay tuned for upcoming features like exciting events, partnerships with other servers, the ability to exchange points for shop items, and more bot commands and games. Don't miss out, join us now at https://discord.gg/pV7VaeHAT2. All are welcome!
🔎"Šriodingerio Katė" - a Discord server dedicated to bringing together curious and eager learners, students, and mature individuals who enjoy discussing societal issues, philosophy, politics, science, and more. Join us to engage in stimulating conversations and expand your knowledge! 📚 Our server also provides a platform for helping each other with homework and sharing valuable information beneficial to students. You can find channels to communicate in English, French, Russian, and German, allowing you to enhance your speaking and writing skills. Join our international community and exchange cultural experiences. ─────────────────────────────────🌍 Here's what you'll find: ✨ | ➜ Numerous text and voice channels ✨ | ➜ Optional roles to customize your experience ✨ | ➜ Friendly administration ✨ | ➜ Partnership opportunities ✨ | ➜ And much more! ─────────────────────────────────🌍
Welcome to 🌟 Anarchija 🌟! Our Discord server is one-of-a-kind with its fully functioning and well-thought-out economy system, job system, inventory system, and sales system. All of these are made possible by our unique 'Items' that have special abilities and can be earned through jobs. For more information, simply type !jobs. We pride ourselves on being friendly and respectful, always welcoming others and supporting their opinions. Our server is well-organized and filled with numerous emojis, including pandas, bears, and anime. So, why not drop by? You won't regret it! If something doesn't sit well with you, remember that you always have the option to leave. However, if that happens, please let our owners know so they can address the situation promptly.
Welcome to Amethyst Tinklas! 💜 • Join our Minecraft minigame server in Lithuania for endless fun! 😃 • From simple parkour to epic boxpvp, we have a variety of minigames and games for you to enjoy! 😝 • Stay connected on our active Discord server while we work on the Minecraft server! Chat with other players, supervised channels, and organized systems await you! 🤓 • And much more! 🤩 • Don't miss out, join us today! 🫵 Amethyst Tinklas, also known as Amethyst LifeSteal SMP.
🛡️ Welcome to War Selection Lietuva! 🏹 This Discord server is dedicated to all Lithuanian players of War Selection. Here, you can connect with fellow Lithuanian gamers, team up for battles, and discuss strategies to dominate the game. All important information and updates are conveniently posted in the general channel. Join us and let's conquer the virtual world together! 🌍
Welcome to Zygio Chebra! 🔴 Get ready to connect with a diverse group of influencers! 💚 Feel free to promote in our designated channel! ✨ Engage in active conversations with fellow members! 💎 Join us and subscribe to Zygiz's YouTube channel!
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